Thursday, October 31, 2019


The dawn of the final day and I remember being excited to go home and see Edinburgh again, whilst being surprised at how quickly everything seemed to go. Out of habit, I cleaned the hotel room while packing the suitcase for our return voyage and made sure the room looked as though we'd never been there. We still had a couple hours after checking out, so we decided to go walking around the town one last time and pick up last minute gifts for friends and family, and even a little something for myself as a souvenir.

The taxi arrived at our former hotel and I felt comfortable to speak to the driver in Spanish while heading to the airport, while switching to English to speak to my friend and sometimes mixing the two up. The journey to the airport was nowhere near as long as the one to the hotel as I didn't feel exhausted like I had on the way there whilst there was also minimum traffic and a beautiful, sparkling coastline to watch wistfully. 

Overall, the airport experience wasn't too bad as security was quick, along with baggage and there were plenty of seats in which to wait for our plane home. Whilst in Spain, I felt a constant undertone in all that I did of discomfort due to not being a part of the Spanish culture or being particularly good at Spanish, but when we arrived at the airport and sat with a bunch of people from The UK, comfort came back and I felt able to relax for the journey home. We sat together this time and mainly watched YouTube videos/ Netflix for three hours before landing in Edinburgh and being back home.

To summarise, the trip was good overall and I enjoyed being able to walk in warm weather whilst eating fresh, local food, despite an undercurrent of discomfort marring slightly what should have been a great time. I'm not sure if I'll visit this particular town again, only because there are many place in Spain I'd rather visit first but it was definitely a good place to see with plenty to offer even if I didn't take the town up on all of it.

1 comment:

  1. You have included lots of information and from your photos and videos it looks like beautiful place to visit, even though you weren't staying in the city you wanted it seems like you still had a good time!
